Trucking Accident Leads to Lane Closure on Covered Bridge Road


Gracie Green, Editor-in-Chief

As of Tuesday, September 28th, Covered Bridge Road has one lane closed due to a trucking accident. The incident took place at approximately 3:30 pm. The truck was carrying a load too large for the bridge, leading to the accident which resulted in the bridge sustaining damages. Covered bridge Road is located near I-59 and after the incident, traffic was deferred to U.S. 11. During an interview with John McWilliams, from the Alabama Department of Transportation, it was stated that on Tuesday, October 3rd, the bridge will go under further inspection to assess how bad the damages are. As of now, there is a traffic light in place to help the flow of traffic. Once repairs are completed, the lane will reopen. Currently, the Department of Transportation is unaware of how extensive the damages are to Covered Bridge. Traffic on I-59 is flowing smoothly, as it did not sustain any damage.